Wednesday, February 3, 2010
posted by Deuce Richardson

I just read the newest entry from Ryan Harvey, one of the ace bloggers over at Black Gate. It concerns Cornell Woolrich’s 1938 novella, “Jane Brown’s Body.” From the sound of it, it’s a fine little science-fictional horror tale. The plot can be briefly summarized: a scientist revives the newly-dead body of a beautiful young woman. Later, a young gangster abducts the woman from the scientist who he believes has “enslaved” her. Action and horror ensue.
Now, as someone who has read his share of Karl Edward Wagner’s works, but very little of Woolrich’s, I have to say that the plot outlined by Ryan Harvey seems to possess some likeness to that of KEW’s “Undertow.” That tale is a short story in the “Kane” series written by Wagner in 1977, about forty years after “Jane Brown’s Body.” For those who fear spoilers, my advice would be to stop reading about now.
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
posted by Deuce Richardson
Here’s what REH Foundation mover n’ shaker, [redacted], just posted over on the Official Robert E. Howard Forum:
We should start taking pre-orders soon, but I thought folks would want to see the other El Borak cover by the Keegans.

[redacted] also noted that it’s not too late to email the Foundation regarding this volume. The more they hear from fans, the better they’ll be able to determine the size of the print run.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
posted by Deuce Richardson
A Cimmerian Award-winning Howard scholar is now posting at the TGR blog. Brian Leno is blogging at Publisher’s Journal, the Official REH: Two-Gun Raconteur Blog.
From 2006 through 2008, Brian made seven contributions to The Cimmerian, including two of my personal favorites, “Lovecraft’s Southern Vacation” and “Down the Rabbit Hole” (for which he won the First Place for Outstanding Achievement, Essay).
Brian is also a regular contributor to REH: Two-Gun Raconteur. So if you enjoy Brian’s writing as much as I do, mosey on over the Publisher’s Journal blog and check it out.
Brian just posted a new entry, and here are links to his first two posts.
Leno and Damon Sasser came out of the gate on January 1 firing on all cylinders and have kept the blog entries coming ever since. It’s great to see another REH blog out there and I wish them the best.
Monday, February 1, 2010
posted by Deuce Richardson

A couple of months back, I wrote a blog entry regarding Sword-and-Sorcery author, Milton Davis, and his current and forthcoming projects. I thought that TC readers might like an update.
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