World Fantasy Convention trip reports
Friday, November 10, 2006
posted by Leo Grin

While you are waiting for the November issue of The Cimmerian, you can get some preliminary trip reports on the web from a variety of authors:
James Reasoner at Rough Edges. (James is a prolific fiction author and former member of REHupa)
Bill Crider’s Pop Culture Magazine: Here, Here, and Here. (Bill is a longtime Howard fan who contributed to the Con’s Cross Plains Universe book.)
Angeline Hawkes at Something to Talk About (along with her husband Christopher Fulbright, Angeline is a fiction writer and Howard Days attendee).
Jayme Lynn Blaschke’s Gibberish blog (some good photos of Jayme’s specially brewed and bottled REH beer, which was served at [redacted]’s Blood and Thunder release party).
MidAmerican Fan Photo Archive. (lots of con photos)
Many people have asked if Cross Plains Universe will be available for purchase even if you didn’t get to the Con. I believe that is still in the planning stages, but the likelihood is high that it will be released in a wider format. If not, it shouldn’t be too hard to score a copy off of eBay eventually.