Sword-and-Sorcery in Alter Ego #92
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
posted by Deuce Richardson

Courtesy of Bill Thom’s Coming Attractions website…
ALTER EGO #92 presents Sword-and-Sorcery in the Comics, Part 3! – Coming in March 2010!
Behind a fantastic painted cover by Conan the Adventurer artist RAFAEL KAYANAN, we shine the spotlight on DC’s Sword of Sorcery by O’NEIL, CHAYKIN, & SIMONSON and Claw the Unconquered by MICHELINIE & CHAN—Charlton’s Hercules by GLANZMAN—Gold Key’s Dagar the Invincible by GLUT & SANTOS—plus Marvel S&S art by BUSCEMA, KANE, KAYANAN, WRIGHTSON, et al.—and JACK KATZ on his S&S classic First Kingdom (interviewed by JIM AMASH)! Plus FCA, MICHAEL T. GILBERT, BILL SCHELLY, STEVE GERBER’s fan-creations (part 3)—and more! Edited by Roy Thomas.
Magazine, 100 pages, $6.95TwoMorrows
The first two issues of Alter Ego devoted to Sword-and-Sorcery in the comics have been great, and I have little to no reservations about this third installment. However, I’m still waiting for the issue that covers Roy Thomas’ Arak work for DC and the unseen art by Todd McFarlane for that series. Also, where is the Groo coverage?!? Still, that Rafael Kayanan cover depicting Bran Mak Morn is outstanding.