Ethan Nahté checks in
Saturday, January 14, 2006
posted by Leo Grin

Howard documentarian Ethan Nahté, who has been working on a professional video about REH for the last few years, has sent out his latest press release, which contains some Howard information that might be of interest to readers of this blog. Here it is:
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year and to let you know about some of the REH stuff going on here in Texas.
1st of all, there is a 100th birthday celebration going on in Fort Worth on Jan. 21 to honor Howard. The cost is only $5/person and all of the proceeds go to Cross Plains, TX (home of the REH Museum) where the recent wildfires did the most damage. I have attached a press release with all of the info on the event.
We are also accepting monetary donations, clothing or small household goods at Titan Comics ( until the end of January. Then I will drive out to Cross Plains to deliver all of the donated money and goods. So far we’ve got 4 or 5 boxes of items and some money. Any help is appreciated.
In REH News in regards to the documentary, we did a fun interview with James O’Barr ( creator of the movie/comic book character The Crow. He has done some Conan art in the past and is a big fan of REH. He had some interesting thoughts on REH’s characters and how vivid Howard’s writing is when an artist reads his work.
I won’t be at the birthday celebration but LIVE’N’LOUD will be setting up as well as presenting REH panels at All-Con (, St. Patrick’s Day weekend in Dallas.
We’ll also be at the REH Days event June 9th & 10th in Cross Plains. Hope to see everyone there.
Ethan Nahté