Triple Play
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
posted by Leo Grin

At long last, we have some new Cimmerians. The November (V3n11), December (V3n12), and Awards issues have all been shipped to subscribers, and are now available for general purchase. With the minor exceptions of the Deluxe Index issue and the slipcases, Volume 3 is now complete. But there’s no rest for the wicked — Volume 4 is ramping up for a February debut, sporting a new color, new artist, and lots of new REH content. Until then, you have a whole lot of reading to enjoy. These three issues are all jam-packed with tens of thousands of words of text. A massive WFC trip report, numerous REH articles, Howardian poetry, lots of Lion’s Den red meat — it’s all on its way to your door. For those who can’t wait, take a peek at the Issues For Sale page and read the posted excerpts.
Thanks for making Volume 3 such a memorable success.