LepreCon 36 is coming…
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
posted by Deuce Richardson

…and George R.R. Martin is the guest of honor. Details from the official LepreCon 36 website lurk below.
LepreCon 36 will be held May 14-16, 2010 at the
Phoenix Marriott Mesa in Mesa, Arizona.
Artist Guest of Honor – Charles Vess
Author Guest of Honor – George R. R. Martin
Local Artist/Author Guest of Honor – James A. Owen
Music Guest – Emma Bull
LepreCon 36 will feature an art show and art auction, a charity auction, gaming, hospitality suite, dealers room, modern dance, and much more.
The organizers have done a nice job of matching up their artistic and auctorial GOHs. As some TC readers may know, Charles Vess has illustrated the works of GRRM in the past. For instance, the two fine covers below.