REH’s “Pigeons From Hell” Onstage at Greystone Mansion
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
posted by Deuce Richardson

The Nom de Guerre Theatre Guild is proud to announce that the 2009 Wicked Literature Halloween Theatre Festival will debut at Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills. Wicked Lit will be produced as a joint venture between Nom de Guerre and Theatre 40 in association with the City of Beverly Hills Recreation and Parks Division.
The plays featured for 2009 include:
The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe ~ Adapted and Directed by Paul Millet
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving ~ Adapted by Jonathan Josephson & Directed by Paul Millet
Pigeons from Hell by Robert E. Howard ~ Adapted and Directed by Jeff G. Rack
All three classic tales of terror will be staged inside the house and outside on the grounds of the historic Greystone Mansion. As an audience member, you will follow the actors, in real time, as they move through the house and even outside into the gardens, not simply eavesdropping, but sharing the experiences of mystery and terror with them. Audiences will be divided into three separate groups and all three stories will run at the same time in different locations at Greystone. Each group will experience all three stories during the course of the night.
Part classic storytelling, part haunted house ~ The 2009 Wicked Literature Halloween Festival will be a theatrical experience you will never forget.
October 27-31, 2009 (5 NIGHTS ONLY!!)
Curtain is at 7 pm
Tickets are $45
Tickets are VERY limited.
Please note: This is a moving show. Wear comfortable soft soled shoes. You will be climbing stairs.
For reservations call 818-242-7910 with a credit card.
There you have it, true believers. I think Robert E. Howard would have been astounded if he had been told in 1935 that a theatrical production of “Pigeons From Hell” would someday share a venue (in Beverly Hills, no less) with presentations of tales by Irving and Poe. The fact that “The Fall of the House of Usher,” which REH judged the best of Poe’s tales, will be performed at the same festival as “Pigeons From Hell,” widely considered Howard’s best horror yarn, is just too cool.
All praise to the Nom de Guerre Theatre Guild and Theatre 40 for their discerning taste. Is this the first live theater performance of a Howard yarn (not counting the awesome productions of the Violet Crown people)? Every Howardhead on the Left Coast has now incurred my envy.
*Thanks to Pete Roncoli for the heads-up.